It's snowing..

Publié le 25 Février 2013

It's winter time, let's sing and make a small activity while it's snowing outside....




In winter time, it's cold and it's snowing.....

What are you wearing when it's cold? 

- I'm wearing a scarf 

- I'm wearing boots

- I'm wearing gloves

- I'm wearing a hat


Now, look at the snowman


What is he wearing?

A hat?




Do you like snow?

What can we do when it's snowing? 

 i like snow because:

- I can ski

- i can go sledging

- i can make snowball 

- i can make a snowman


Let's make a snowman and learn a little vocabulary:






Rédigé par atelieranglais

Publié dans #Pour les petits

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